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2020 CTCD Specialty and CTCA National Specialty


2020 Denver National Specialty                                                                                 

August 11-17, 2020                                                                                                             

Island Grove Park, Greeley CO

Regular Class Judge: Joe Vernuccio

Sweepstakes Judge: Nancy Delyea

Event Chairmen: Kari Loken, Chris Gray and Angie Chiquette


Tentative Schedule of Events: 


















































Hotel Information




2020 CTCA Reserved Grooming and RV Reservations

The deadline for Reserved Grooming reservations is June 1, 2020. We are limited to 50 spaces for CTCA/CTCD


**Please note there is an error in the daily fee for RV Parking. It should be $40 per night, not $35

The Cairn Terrier Club of Denver

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